With less than 24 hours to go until the kick off of the painting
challenge I thought I would post pictures of my completed prep work. By
the rules of the competition we are allowed to base and prime figures
but no painting until 12:01 December 20th.
This year I am shooting for the moon. I am aiming for 2500 points which equates to roughly 500 28mm figures. Its a big stretch for me, as last year I was only able to paint 200 during the challenge period. That was with a hiatus in the middle of the challenge for terrain boards and other distractions.
There are a couple of reasons I think I can increase my output this year. I am ready. As you can see from the pictures I am primed and ready to pain. Most of the troops I am painting are uniformed or have the same basic scheme. Primarily I think I can complete this because I will not be taking time off to build terrain boards. Just to be sure I get started with the right motivation I am coming off a 2 week painting hiatus. At 12:01 tomorrow I'll be on those pike blocks like a fat kid on a cheeseburger.