Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Last Post in the Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge

Its hard to believe its over.  This challenge has been a blast.   Thank you all for your support and encouragement!  A special thanks to Curt for playing ring master to this circus.   Dave thanks so much for wrangling me on a weekly (or some what weekly) basis. 

On to this weeks entry.  Fitting as a last entry is the last of the Senegalese Triailleurs.  I was able to add 2 more squads and a supporting heavy Machine gun.   All the figures are from Gripping Beast.

In addtion to the Senegalese I was able to finish my Curtgeld in the form of none other than Rudi Schweinsteiger "The Black Count" star of the game we are running at Cold Wars this week.  All credit for the name goes to Sydney Roundwood.  His amazing site has been a huge inspiration for me as we took the plunge in to World War I.  Here is a link to his amazing site.  Roundwood's World

 In our games using the cards that Sidney designed, Rudi Schweinsteiger became a huge favorite so I felt it was only fitting to give him his staring role. 

 In hindsight,  I would be more thoughtful in my planning for the challenge.   I would have like to participate in the bonus themes but taking on the terrain board project precluded any such fun. In other words I needed control my spastic nature and stay focused!

Thanks again this has been a great experience for me. 

25-28mm figures

Friday, March 11, 2016

Analog Hobby Painting Challenge--8th Entry

Sorry for the long delay between posts.  We have been working on terrain boards for the Cold Wars Game.
I was able to squeeze in a few Senegalese Triailleurs.  The figures are from Gripping Beast.  Really nice castings.  They come with a standard body but are provided with separate heads that include Senegalese, Regular Poilu and Foreign  Legion.  I really like the concept.

In the front right and in the back left you can see a special figure they make with a trooper wielding a coup coup knife. Sorry for the photography, I really have to talk to that guy.

19-28mm figures

There were some requests for pictures of all the French together.   Here are a couple with the new terrain boards.