This past weekend the local Braintruster's along with some dragooned teenagers gathered to honor one of Ohio breathern. After years of coercing, cajoling and convincing we finally got Craig to attempt the westward trek from Columbus to Indianapolis.
Knowing Craig enjoys the more esoteric wargamng periods I thought this get together would be a perfect time to inflict my new mania on the gang. I am not sure why but World War One has taken over both my reading and gaming interest. Its such an painful meeting point between the Victorian era and the Modern era.
We ran a scenerio from TFL's scenario book Stout Hearts and Iron Troopers. As written the scenario takes place in 1914. Unfortunately, the only troops we have painted are from 1916 so please pardon the Stalhelms and Poilu's in Horizon Blue.

Leutnant Erwin Rommel has been tasked with reconnoitering and if possible gain a foothold in the small Belgian village of Bleid. I have nothing but very high praise for the way the TFL Scenario is laid out and balanced.

I think the Germans have a pretty significant edge in the game. Rommel is a class VI leader so he is able to have a major impact on the game. The blind where Rommel is deployed can be seen hiding behind the barn above.
The house to the left is the main objective of the German attack on the village. They lose their advantage when French reinforcements arrive.

This was our groups first go around with Through the Mud and Blood. On the whole we really enjoyed the flavor of the rule set. The only downside I found was the card driven nature slows the game significantly. In our game it was more than off set by the color and flavor the rules provided.
We learned the hard way that moving in the open is a bad idea.

Rommel has made his way to the objective house and his men prepare to batter their way in. One of the colorful additions in Mud and Blood is the Heroic Action Card. This allows the activated leader to attempt an extraordinary action. The heroic leader has to explain his action and intended results and gain the agreement of the opposing player(s). Rommel being a man of action seized the initiative and burst though the window blazing away with his pistol.
As a result of his heroic attack the depleted and leaderless French force fled in ignominy.

Here we see our befezed leaders. Craig the French CNC on the left and Steve, I mean Rommel himself on the right.
We played a follow on Scenario where the French tried to retake the house and the Germans tried to capitalize on their success by taking the cross roads. We allowed limited reinforcement and consolidation of damaged units. More details on Rommels Turkey Shoot to follow
Overall a great day with a great bunch of guys.