I am back at it with more horizon blue. This week I painted 2-10 figure units of regular French Infantry. I think the best aspect of the Old Glory figures is the specialty figures they make. Included in this weeks entry are several trench fighters. I was also able to complete 2 Hotchkiss machine guns and 2 staff officers. .

I think my favorite is the bald bearded trooper brandishing a pick axe. He truly is a Poilu. (hes hiding behind the staff officer.

Last but not lease I completed a German straggler. This is an Old Glory medical officer. 

Weekly totals 29-28mm figures 145 points

Last week there were a few questions about my Horizon Blue recipe. I start with a base of Army Painter Electric Blue followed by a wash of Army Painter Dark Tone. Once dry I hit the highlights with a mix of Electric Blue and Vallejo Sky Blue (the sky blue was camera shy)
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