Monday, February 11, 2019

Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge Entry 2

ell I am again tardy with my challenge posts.  So this week is a double dose of the Emperors finest.   Its been quite some time since I have painted Napoleonics so I spent quite a bit of time with my nose in Funken, Haythornthwaite and various Opreys.   I will apologize in advance for any inaccuracies.

The first group I painted over a black primer , these were to finish out a few units I had previously completed.  It was a challenge to go back and use an older (abet better) technique than my current block and wash technique.  These guys are a mix of command, elite company and lights to round out previous units.

All the figures are Front Rank 28mm.   These are amazing figures and my painting does not do them justice. They are really really lovely, in my opinion they are some of the nicest out there (minus the Perry brothers artistry)

Here is the group as a whole.

The grenadiers

The lights

Command and center company.

Close up of the flags.  I am getting too old to paint flags.  I think next time I'm printing or calling the Flag Dude.  (sorry for the picture quality)

I love these figures (I know I know, I have said that about 9 times already)  the huge mistake I made, full dress rather than campaign dress.  I blame this on my rookie status.   I have learned a lesson.

So taking the lesson from the full dress I took the easy path this week and painted some French in greatcoats.   I really love the look, still colorful but not as over the top as full dress.

Here's a picture of the whole unit

Grenadier company

Light company

Here's a close up of the command group and flag

I hope to be more consistent with my postings.  A new job and heavier work load have cut in to my time.  But excuses aside I really love the sense of urgency the challenge creates for me.

Total for this post is 46-28mm figures

Thanks for looking!

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